Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Ten Second Tip for the Kitchen - Freezing Soups

In preparation for Thanksgiving I made many soups:  Butternut Squash, French Onion, Split Pea, Lentil, Watercress and more.  I thought it would be great to have on hand for the full house I expected and it was.  I used one of my own Ten Second Tips and froze two-portion bags of soup in zippered freezer bags.  This works perfectly.  When your soup is cool, put the bag in a wide mouth glass or measure cup.  Put 3-4 ladles of soup (Which is about two portions) and zip.  Try to get the air out as much as you can to avoid freezer burn.  What I do that works great is I freeze them on a cooking sheet in my freezer until frozen.  When they are frozen (And don't forget to label!) I line them up in my freezer like a book on a shelf.  This is not only great for saving freezer space, it's actually so simple when you want to thaw.  I just dropped the bag in a bowl of warm water and it was thawed and ready when I needed it.  No container to clean!  Remember, most soups freeze beautifully.  Make a big pot and always freeze some extra for later - When you are busy or too tied to go to the store, it's nice to have on hand.  And THAT's a ten second tip for the kitchen!  Look for more tips on my website:

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